[This Episode]
Sit down with us as we talk in depth about our photos we took during our Yosemite National Park Photo Contest Trip.
In This Episode, Jesse, Alex, Alvis, Norbert, Davin, and G come together to examine all the photos that they originally took in the Yosemite Photo Contest, including the images that they did not originally submit as their two entries.
We go through and discuss why we chose each photo, the philosophy, mentality, and techniques behind each photograph, and why that image was chosen or not chosen in the style of a classic photography class final.
So if you ever wanted to get inside our heads on why/how we take the images that we choose to take, this is the episode for you!
Check out the Yosemite Photo Contest video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSlDY...
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[Alvis Pham Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/alvisphamph...
[Norbert Tsi Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/norberttsip...
[Davin Tran Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/davintrann/
[Alex Nguyen Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/aleqnguyen/
[Jesse Mar-Ramirez Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/yessseee/
[G Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/guramrit.art/
We are Paper Birch Collective! Our team is based in Irvine, California servicing all of Southern California and beyond, and we are dedicated to bringing you the best in class experience of photographic services to beautifully capture your "I Do" days or that fridge-worthy holiday card.
Let's make some memories!
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